The first of the Arnie tribute bands to come to my attention (though I think Arnocorps started first, but then they wouldn't call themselves an Arnie tribute band), Goretorture are definitely the heaviest. Whilst they lack the comedy and groove aspects of Arnocorps, they more than make up for it in sheer aggression and heaviness. Their in your face grindcore sound shits all over As I Gay Crying vocalist Tim Lambesis' Austrian Death Machine, despite the much cheaper production and lack of fancy cartoon-drawn artwork and merchandise. And best of all, they have some free music for me to post on my blog for you all to download (assuming anyone's actually out there reading this after I've not updated for like a whole month).
There are a load of tracks available from www.mikseri.net/goretorture including four tracks from 2004's Promised To Kill You Last... I Lied, their debut album and I think the only on you can actually buy (see info on the page for details), 2005's Cannibal Commando demo and a collection of unreleased tracks that weren't on either release. Too many tracks to link individually, so I'll let you go look for yourself. However, I did find a Rapidshare mirror for Cannibal Commando (192Kbps instead of 160 and also seems to have two of the unreleased tracks, Asshole and Sluts, in the .RAR) so a link for that will follow. Enjoy the Arnie-grindcore action!
192 Kbps MP3 via HTTP from Rapidshare.com
Individual Tracks at 160Kbps via HTTP from Mikseri.net
Goretorture at Myspace
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